Australia’s Leading Property Management Software

Navigating the complex landscape of Australian Property Management Software options can be challenging for even the most experienced property managers. When it comes to selecting a property management system (PMS) that caters specifically for the Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) industry in Australia, you’ll be hard-pressed finding a better option than Homhero.

Homhero is a homegrown SaaS solution in the holiday property management space. Our software has been developed from the ground up here in Australia, carefully crafted for the unique landscape in which Australian property owners operate. Homhero provides a range of tools to assist holiday property managers in automating their day-to-day business tasks so they can focus on the most important aspects of their business, growing bookings and revenue for their owners.

Property Management Software
Developed in Australia

When it comes to choosing the best software for your property management business in Australia or New Zealand, it’s essential to ensure that your PMS provider understands the intricacies of the local market. Legislations, government imposed levies and fees for short-term rental accommodation (STRA) are evolving rapidly and independently for each state in Australia, making for a complex operating environment.

The ANZ STRA market is also maturing in some areas far more rapidly than other markets such as the US and Europe, yet lagging behind in others. These factors, plus the many simple operational factors such as providing telephone support during common business hours, are key reasons to work with an Australian property management software developer such as Homhero. Our software is built by Australian holiday property management experts, for Australian property managers.

Property Management Apps Australia

While there are a number of apps available in Australia geared towards specific aspects of property management, such as property cleaning and maintenance apps, there are very few options for end-to-end property management. Thankfully Homhero is here to save the day, offering a range of mobile-friendly apps to help you and your holiday rental business to continue working efficiently when you’re away from the office.

These include Homhero’s;

Staff App which allows you to correspond with guests, owners, cleaners and contractors.
Owners App, providing owners of your managed properties with access to view live availability, create and manage their own bookings, approve maintenance, and view monthly statements and invoices
Cleaners App which allows the creation of automated cleaning task checklists, and provides access to cleaning history, maintenance reporting and correspondence history.

Property Management Systems Australia

At first glance (or first Google Search!), there may appear to be a wide range of PMS options available in Australia. However, when it comes to short-term rental holiday accommodation property management systems, the range of high-quality options tailored specifically to Australia and New Zealand decreases dramatically.

High-performing holiday property managers seek all-in-one property management software that will assist property managers and owners to secure more bookings, generate more revenue, stay organised and achieve scalable growth, while bringing together all of the information necessary to optimise your business growth in one convenient system.

Homhero sets the gold standard for Property Management Systems in Australia, bringing together Owner, Guest, Property information and channel management in one convenient system.

What could be better than a dedicated short-term rental accommodation (STRA) property management system for the Australian market? A PMS on the cloud, otherwise known as a SaaS Property Management System.

SaaS Property Management Systems

Software as a service, also known as Saas Property Management Systems, are the future of our industry.  SaaS has been a gamechanger for short-term rental accommodation property managers because of its ease-of-accessibility and the freedom to scale.  

Some of the benefits a SaaS PMS offers to property managers include:

  • IT equipment doesn’t have to be on-premises.
  • Single source of truth so teams are working on the most up-to-date information at all times.
  • The ability to retrieve Guest and Property data from anywhere, anytime.
  • Access control over data when sharing with third parties such as OTAs and suppliers.
  • Software security managed by SaaS provider and not by in-house employees